Tuesday 15 January 2013


for J M-G

I gave him the best ten years I'd ever have
in me. Thought he'd be gone in five,
but he kept at it like a metronome.
The headboard knocking on the guest room wall
told no lie. Every night he'd slither in
beside me. A butterknife of cold skin
and a papery skeleton that still hungered.
He never stopped with that, right up
to the last like a lovesick teen.
Mostly I'd lie patient as a corpse. I never
told him I loved him. I never loved him
more than money. I lived a decade
just to feel it. So, if you think my story's crass,
imagine yourself, ten year worth of nights
counting the colours in the ceiling pattern
on your back, imagining things you never knew
you'd had. Tell me, could you imagine that?

1 comment:

  1. This was a genuine fb message sent from a friend at 2.30 am Sat morning. I've only compacted the passage into regular line lengths. Otherwise unchanged.

    Just having a piss in a bush
    and these coppers pull up.
    I make a split second decision
    and bolt. Sprint at pace
    through these suburban streets,
    make it round a corner
    and finish the piss behind a van.
    Can hear a car coming
    and hop through some bushes
    and sidestreets, coming
    through some short cuts
    and smashing my way through
    a long route to my flat. Fucked.
    Breathing heavy. But got passed
    the fuckers and their fines...
