About this blog

This blog is an experiment. It is an evolving, free publication of a series of poems and ideas on writing. Poems may be stand-alone or form part of an ongoing developing sequence. Poems are written, drafted and reworked directly onto the blog and are in a permanent state of revision.

Poetry must have a use value, be it entertainment, solace, reflection, whatever. Because of this, these poems are presented free of copyright (in the spirit of Jack Spicer). I would be honoured should readers wish to take these poems, change them, make them their own and use them in whichever contexts they see fit.

This blog also uses the words of others to create new pieces and challenge the concept of owning words and ideas. If you see something of yours that you object to being here, please get in touch to discuss it.

Facebook: Things Jack Spicer Told Me here
Twitter: follow @JackTold