Sunday 2 June 2013


for DB

Europe is indeed struggling to remain consistent faced
What seems to be happening is the old
Although crude racism has somewhat given way for
Not just the indignados and occupiers, but also
The bad guys of this story are not
They try to address the disaffected, the people
It showed the horrors committed in the ghettos
Populations have been traumatised by the widespread rise
Apart from strong anti–Germany and anti–EU protests, the Athenian
The Greek elections witnessed the rise of anti-establishment
While the need for political sobriety has never
The far left is increasingly a stabilised, consolidated
They ranged from right–wing populists and nationalists to
In France, a number of anti–Zionist parties on
Clearly anti–semitism in Hungary is on the rise
Others broke away from the Communists much earlier
In Greece, since the tortuous collapse of the
It is absolutely crucial how this anti–immigrant explosion 
We are all voting for Nazi's because Europe
The defeat not only led to a falling
Other nations have seen the rise of nationalist
For most of the twentieth century, the hope

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