Wednesday 24 April 2013


I was feeling worried about my FAS daughter 
and went into a greenhouse to buy myself a plant 
(healthier than eating chocolates). I was feeling worried about 
whether or not this was an ectopic. 
was feeling worried about her and wanted to look. 
was feeling worried about it, and I asked my friend 
to give me a couple of days to think about it. 
was feeling worried about my man's healing, 
in fact I was feeling darned anxious. I was feeling worried about the baby, 
Maggie suggested that some acupuncture might be a good idea 
to encourage labour. I was feeling worried about overstepping 
the client/therapist relationship, and I do get bothered 
about doing the wrong thing. I was feeling worried about the whole thing,
but now I've read up a bit about having twins 
and spoken to a few people about having twins. 
I was feeling worried about there can be mistake, 
am I doing perfectly, making everything informational 
and reading with expression? I was feeling worried about 
letting my guard down to a stranger.
I was feeling worried about her 'cause she didn't have
a whole lot of words until quite a bit later
than a lot of other tykes her age, but then she suddenly caught up
and with gusto. I was feeling worried about
my French dictee homework because for whatever reason
tonight I just cannot comprehend half the words
and then I looked up the grading in the syllabus
and homework only counts for 2%. I was feeling worried about
my future or isolated from my friends
I was feeling worried about the jogs. I was feeling worried about
having too many celebrations. I was feeling worried about them.
I was feeling worried about my sister, Finley, so Katy
let me surf the internet to find out how she was.

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