It's Pond's Angel Face, shade Golden Rose,
If you can't get Golden Rose, Tawny will do.
I asked for permission for my hair to be bleached,
but permission has been refused. Dear mam,
when you see me at the trial I will have awful streaks
and my hair will be lifeless. Dear mam,
can you please bring me a bottle of make-up?
Ian would like the photos we picked out at Chester,
can you get them developed for us please?
He thinks you will be quicker than his mum.
Keep all of the photos for us for reasons,
ones of the dogs, scenery etc. Mr. Curtis wrote here
to ask. I can't even have it trimmed or thinned.
Dear mam, 29th of December 1965, we had
half a chicken each, turkey sandwiches,
half a bottle of Sandeman's Port Wine.
Believe me when I say 99% of Smith's evidence
against Ian and I, particularly Ian, is lies. Dear mam,
it's a constant source of irritation. The dark roots
are very much in evidence. Whether or not
Ian and I killed those children there's no need
to go into the matter. Dear mam, it's 7 a.m. Friday,
and probably the jury will return its verdict today.
6th of June 1966. Dear mam, I knew I'd have to go
to prison for some time for 'harbouring'
but I didn't think it would be this long. Ian
is in Durham. Ian has a little mouse in his cell.
He feeds it crumbs. If you would drop me in a box
of maltesers and a short note. Dear mam,
Mr. Fitzpartick has a list of photos to send
to Ian and myself. Dear mam, will you phone
Mr. Fitzpatrick and tell him, as soon as the appeal
is over, to send Ian and I the photos we picked out
at Chester. 6th of August 1968. Dear mam,
when you collect them from the chemist send them,
Ian is anxious to have them. Dear mam,
I'm sorry to have nagged about them for so long.
3rd of February 1970. I keep putting him off
with vague excuses. You keep saying you'll bring them
but never do. Dear mam, thank you for bringing
the slides. Ian is happy. The other night
he left it half a chip, thinking it wouldn't touch it,
but when he woke up in the morning it had gone.
5th of May 1966. Just believe your own heart.
My fondest love to you all, my gran,
whom I will never probably see again. Dear mam,
destroy after reading. I don't want anyone to see me.
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