Saturday, 9 June 2012


It wasn't Nixon on tape in the White House over Watergate, but JFK
doing the voices, and wasn't shot in the Dallas motorcade in '63, Please!
He held two marbles and half a glass of water in his mouthto be Nixon. His impression
of Jack Ruby, who didn't shoot him or his doppelgänger (Ladybird Johnson's
illegitimate brother in prosthesis and wig), was legendary. Some said
he could be him, but I never believed them. Lady B J's brother was shot
by none other than Marilyn Monroe, the bombshell assassin, who overdosed
in Soho, England, seven years later than thought. Judy had been dead donkeys'  
and they couldn't keep up the carousel of drag queens who played her in shows.
They were damaging the brand. Of course they removed bones, the femurs,
to make Monroe fit. A stray Gitanes by the corpse almost gave the game up.
Judy smoked Lucky Strike (DO YOUR HOMEWORK BOYS!). That fag, Ruskee, Deans,
had to be silenced, "retired" to a haunted mansion in Cleveland. Princess Diana?
You mean you haven't figured that out? It was Mohammed Al-Fayed who drove
the white Punto through the Paris drizzle that night. It was jealousy and whiskey
that fuelled him. Nothing to do with me or Prince Philip, whatever you think.
There was no shotgun wielding motorcycle outrider, whatever you say.
Just a man and his grief funded by MI6, who class him as a double agent.
They played him. Which brings us to September 11th and Nixon again, with a beard
in an arid cave, crying for Allah, on videotape, his voice all marbles and water.

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