Friday, 20 April 2012


for JD

There will be no marriage
in the future, only men and women
meeting by the Autobahn
to exchange syringes of spunk
for zlotys. Everywhere will be a fag bar
or dyke dive and work will be done
by straights in chains
under neon striplights.
These are the days of future past
where politicians 
who voted for section 28 
swing from lamposts and effegies
of the previous Tory government are burnt
beneath fireworks.

When the mad men with hare-eyes
and korans and bibles 
came burning crosses with placards
that promised a cure,
the queens dripped with pearls and diamonds.

We were there in 1999 at the Soho bombing.
We were there at the Stonewall Inn.
We were there at the murder of Alan Turing.
There will be no apologies.

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